Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Winter YOGAaah series

My 1st saturday of the month, winter Positive Movez: YOGAaaah series starts Saturday, january 7, February 4 and March 3.... 9:30 - 11 a.m.. I'm bAck teaching at the Unitarian Universalist Society, 3912 Cedar Heights Dr. The cost for the 3 part series is $24, or if you can't come to all 3, drop in on one or two, at $10 a drop in. This winter series will focus on Somatics, which is a yoga style modality that re-educates the body's muscle memory. I'll be teaching the Cat Stretch series of 8 movez..... you'll be glad you did! Feel free to caLL me or drop a line at my e-mail or facebook.
cell 319-939-2789 or Deblyn Russell.
there's lots going on....I'm not the best blogger, so keep checkin back or give me a holla'!

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